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Understanding How MyBoardToday Works

MyBoardToday is a meta tooling. It is an end to end solution to create data-driven apps (i.e. CRM) and AI agents with minimal effort. On MyBoardToday, an application is called an App while a webpage in an App is called a Board, which can contain multiple Tile and Widgets. Tiles are visualization of data. Bar charts, line charts and tables are among the most popular Tiles. Widgets are utility apps on its own, which does not need a data source to function. We provide many Widgets for free on MyBoardToday, for example, MindMap and ToDos.

Using Tiles

Tiles are visualization of data. We need to tell a Tile where the data comes from. On MyBoardToday, the data flows from a Data Connection, to a Data Source, then to a optional Data Processor, and finally, to the Tile. Please refer to the Creating a Dashboard section below for a short tutorial. Data can originate from an external source, or an internal data storage (internal source).

Using Widgets

Widgets are utility apps. You do not need to create any data source to use a Widget. Simple create a Widget in the admin panel and import the newly create Widget to a Board.

Using Data Processors

The source data does not always come in the shape as you wish. MyBoardToday provides powerful tools to process the Data Source you create: Data Processor. A Data Processor is a data pipeline to process data step by step, e.g. filtering, aggregating, sorting. Please refer to the tutorial Creating a Data Processor section below for a short tutorial.

Tutorial 1: Creating a Dashboard

Tutorial 2: Creating a Data Processor

Tutorial 3: Creating an App

Coming soon

Tutorial 4: Creating an AI Agent

Coming soon