An App is like an web application (Facebook/Salesforce). It usually serves a common business goal and consists of a collection of dashboards.
App Management
To manage (create/modify/delete) apps, you need to go to the "Manage App" page: Go to the main panel -> click on the "Bob" logo on the top left corner -> Find the dashboard row you would like to delete -> Click on "Manage Apps" in the dropdown menu
Role based access control
You can define a list of roles (i.e. backoffice, finance, admin) for every app. For each role, you can then define the access level: either "read only", "read & write" or "no access".
Customize App Logo
You can optionally upload a logo for your app. This logo is displayed on login pages and all dashboards.
Report Bugs, Request New Features, and Win $50 Every Month
We value your precious feedback. Please contact us when you find a bug or would like to request a new feature. (In the main panel, click on the bob logo on the top left corner, then in the Dropdown menu click on “contact for bugs or new features”). Every month we will select an “opinion leader” and reward him/her with $50 in cash.